This weeks interview highlights the life and times of a very special rescuer, Gabi Gutierrez, and her equally special dogs Walter, Winslow and Benjamin.
Listen in as she talks about their rare disease and what its like caring for a special needs dog.
We also get to hear about the rescue that she co-founded in 2012 with rescue partner Joanna Krupa, Angels for Animal Rescue. As a rescue they gravitate towards special needs animals and those that even other rescues won’t take in.
You can visit Gabi’s rescue at for more information and ways on how you can support this wonderful rescue.
And follow Gabi’s journey with her special needs dogs on Instagram @walterakawalnut and Facebook at All About Walter. Also go to their website:
There is also more information and support on Walter’s rare disease at
Transcription of this podcast can be found below!
[Intro] Welcome to Just Add Dogs, a podcast dedicated to telling the heartwarming stories of rescue dogs and the people that saved them. Just Add Dogs, gives hope, smiles, and tail wags to both humans and canines alike. While shedding light on the joys of adopting your next best friend.
Lindsay Eland: Welcome to this episode of Just Add Dogs, the podcast to g when you want to hear inspiring stories about dog rescues, rescue dogs and the people who love them. I'm your host Lindsay. Today, I have a very special guest with me, Gabriela Gutierrez, who not only rescues very special dogs, but also has an animal rescue of her own. So, if you already don't think she was the coolest person for taking on specially-abled dogs, then you will, by the time I finish telling you a bit more about her. So Gabby was just 15 years old. When she first started rescuing at her local shelter, she would foster bottle babies and special needs dogs and find them homes. As the years went on, she began working with other rescue groups and shadowing one of the founders. She watched the hard work and compassion that went into running a rescue and knew that's what she wanted to do. Seeing so many animals being put to sleep each day, broke her heart, and she knew she wanted to change that, she wanted just like all of you listeners out there to make a difference in the lives of animals and people by bringing them together. So, over the next few years, she met her rescue partner, Joanna Krupa, and they started rescuing farm animals together, which is super cool as well as dogs and cats. Then in 2012, they formed their nonprofit angels for animal rescue. They gravitate towards special needs animals and those who even other rescues won't take in. So, give Gabby a big Just Add Dogs. Welcome. Thanks for coming on Gabby.
Gabriela Gutierrez: No problem. Thank you for having me.
Lindsay Eland: I know you guys can't see it out there, but she has this sweet little dog in front of her named, Benji, who is just adorable and that she'll be talking a little bit about today. I'm just dying, looking at him. So Gabby, before we really dive into the heart of everything, can you tell us what it was? Maybe it was a specific experience or an animal that like lit a fire in you that made you want to start rescuing, especially at that young age of 15?
Gabriela Gutierrez: So, I noticed back then the shelter system was really bad. They literally had like six or seven dogs per kennel and I'm like, there has to be something I can do. Like I'm homeschooled. You know, I have the time I worked for a time, but there was still should be something I could do. So, it started with a little kitten named Milo and she was a bottle baby. And so, she literally was like, you had to feed her every two hours and to stimulate her to go potty. And I'm like, like just the rewarding feelings watching her grow because I had her until she was about 16 weeks and that's when she went to her forever home. But just knowing that I hope that animal go from square one where she was literally like so helpless. Watching her grow into this playful little kitten and then finally getting to see her go to her forever home, I'm like, this is amazing. I want to do this again. And so, I kept doing it over and over and over, you know, eventually I started bottling baby dogs and I started doing special needs dogs shortly after that--special need’s puppies. And so, it's something that was fun, like a little pet project. I'm like, well, let's see, you know, if it can even walk a little bit, you know, different little things and seeing the little milestones, because a lot of these animals, they were orphaned or that people just drop one off and you know, kept the other, which is very sad.
Lindsay Eland: Oh my gosh. Yeah. You're like my kindred spirit. I love you already. Oh my gosh. That's so amazing. So, when you say bottle baby, does that mean they're just so young that they were taken away from their mothers? Is that what that means?
Gabriela Gutierrez: So, either they were un-weaned or I've taken in a few newborns. Like either the mother ran away as they were trying to bring the family into the shelter or sometimes the parents had passed away. And so, there's nobody puppies there been times when they are brought in with their umbilical cord still on them. And so, it's really critical because those animals, they can't regulate, regulate their body temperature. So, if they get too cold and they're not eating enough, they're probably going to pass away. At the shelter you see something like that because I used to volunteer at the time. They're like, you know what, I'll just take time, I'll start feeding it, take good care of it. And so, I think that's what mainly started like seeing that I could make a difference at that young of an age, this little animal.
Lindsay Eland: That's so beautiful. Have you heard about Milo since then? How he's doing?
Gabriela Gutierrez: So, she was actually adopted by a neighbor and so she did grow up to be very, very sassy. So unfortunately, after I think she had a year old, I went to go visit her one day and she was just like, nah, I'll go walk over here. [Inaudible 04:51-04:52] personality and she had these bright yellow eyes. And back then when I had adopted her out her hair wasn't fully. And so, seeing her as this beautiful, like Maine Coon mix, she had very long hair and I'm like, wow, I had no idea that it was going to get that long.
Lindsay Eland: Wow. That's so cool to be able to see her as she's grown up, even though she's a little sassy, like a lot of cats are. Now I want to talk about Walter. Walter was a very special dog that you rescue. Can you tell us the story of how you met this precious boy and how you ended up adopting him?
Gabriela Gutierrez: So, I was at the shelter was. I was actually getting another puppy that was in there because it had bitten somebody. I was there rescuing, signing paperwork. And then all of a sudden, one of the officers they know me very well. They're like Gabby, you have to see this dog. And she knew I rescue special needs dogs. She knows I've taken the very, very old, you know, the ones in their late teens. So, she said, Gabby come look at this and I look in her arms and I'm like, what is that? Like, I've never seen a dog that has such a unique look. He had the cutest little underbite, the biggest eyes and the ears were like antennas on the top of his head and just this tiny little thing. He was so malnourished and the owners rendered him because they were quote unquote moving. And I'm like, well, at least he's here. And like, it just, at that moment, I wasn't even supposed to be there. You know, getting this other dog when I was about to leave. And I'm like, oh my gosh, you know, I can't leave him here. So, I took him home and then with the intention of just fostering. But once we found out, like, of course also as the time he spent with me, I'm like more and more like, Oh, I'm like, I don't want to keep them. Like I don't want to keep him. And at that point I never kept an animal I fostered. Once we got the diagnosis of MPS a few months later, I'm like, you know what? He's just going to stay here. Like he knows me. He's progressing so well. And he's able to walk now more steadily and now he's a little bit starting to run. So, at that point, I'm just like, well, it's sad because it is a terminal disorder. And at that time, and even still, now we don't know how long they're going to last. There's so much unknown about this disease and how it affects dogs. Certain breeds. With Walter it was more like cardiac disease and respiratory disease. But just every single day I had with him at first, it was sad. But then I'm like, you know what? I can't be sad every day. If I think every day he's going to pass away, like we'll call you likely see, you can have, if I'm feeling that way because he could feel my energy. So, I'm like you know what? I'm just going to, know it's in the back of my head, but we're just going to live each day. Like do fun things. And so, he's gone to so many different places. He learned to walk uphill, walk downhill. He loved laying under trees and laying in the grass. And so, he really showed me like this tiny little dog can do so much stuff that I wouldn't even think he couldn't do.
Lindsay Eland: Aww, that is so amazing. I'm so grateful that he had you and that you were there at that moment. It was meant to be. When you brought him home, what made you know that you needed to take him in to get seen for something? For what turned out to be a disease, but what were you seeing?
Gabriela Gutierrez: So, his legs, like you can see like I'm bendy, they're very like floppy and flipper. Like I'm like, well it may bother him. Maybe I'll take him to the vet. First vet I took him to, they're like, Oh, it's probably congenital deformities. And I'm like, okay, but maybe I'll take him to our regular vet and see. So, they evaluated him, put him on some medication, but they noticed his eyes that they were cloudy and they're like, Oh, do you want to go see an ophthalmologist? Maybe she can help with the cloudiness. They didn't know about the disease. I just thought, Oh, maybe it has like cataracts, maybe he's old. So, I took Walter there and the that Dr. Chapman to like these animals, she's awesome. She had actually seen this disease in a cat before. And she's like, this looks so familiar. I've seen this in cats, but never a before. So, she's the one who actually told us about the university of Pennsylvania and how to get tested. So, we went ahead and did that. And about a few weeks later we had the results that, you know, Walter tested positive for MPS type six. And so, we're just from his eyes. She was able to tell that because there's more that goes to him. But right now, his eyes are getting a little bit more cloudy, but it's from lipid deposits.
Lindsay Eland: Can you describe what MPS is? I looked up the disease and if anybody looks it up, it's extremely long name. So, I'm not even going to attempt to pronounce it. But yeah. Can you describe what this rare disease is?
Gabriela Gutierrez: So MPS is also known as mucopolysaccharidosis, simple way to put it. It's a license, almost storage disorder. So, it's a storage disease. So, there's a certain enzyme that can't be broken down in their bodies. And so that causes more of a buildup in his tummy buildup in the eyes and the brain and the organs, the whole body. That's why Benji can no longer walk. And Walter was walking then eventually could not why it causes the eyes infuse. And so just the body unfortunately starts breaking down but at a faster rate than most dogs. I've seen maybe two or three that live to six years old. And, but sadly majority of them do pass away before the age of six months, they're immuno-compromised. So, either they get infected [inaudible 09:51] temper or they just have a poor quality of life. That's why knowing what these guys have we're always very careful. Like I work at a vet hospital and I'm always extra careful with Walter and Winslow and Benjamin.
Lindsay Eland: So how long did you have Walter in Winslow? I know that you have Benji right now.
Gabriela Gutierrez: Walter? I had him a little over two years and same with Winslow. Winslow, I had him about two and a half years, but they both had Winslow had more GI issues, which again was attributed to the MPS and then Walter had cardiac issues, which Winslow didn't have. That's what was scary with that. I'm like, okay. I thought I knew everything about MPS. You know having another MPS dog, I kind of know what to look for, but no, it was shocking. Like I had no idea that, you know, the stuff that he had. And so, it was a learning curve of how to manage it. But luckily with learning from each dog, I was able to help more people with MPS dogs and able to kind of let them know like what things work with Walter, what things to Winslow. So, they kind of had an idea like how to help manage their own dog too.
Lindsay Eland: Wow. That's crazy. Was it difficult learning how to care for a dog with MPS?
Gabriela Gutierrez: It was because I didn't understand how fragile everything was. So also, their bone density is very abnormal. So, you know, with Walter, you would normally think that, okay, doing more exercise would help him. But like I realized that if he put on too much weight and he was running around; it affected his mobility. So, it was a very fine line of finding the right weight and figuring out like, okay, what positions are better for him to laying like Benji right now, how he's laid on me. I have my hand under his chest. So, it's more comfortable because they're very barrel chested. So just different things that you kind of pick up naturally and it's just like second nature now. But it allows me to learn like how to pick them up. You know how he ate better. Like right now Benji likes to be hand fed, which is fine. And the other boys did too Winslow and Walter. So, there's a lot of adaption and on their part too, like Walter learned how to crawl, Benji learned how to crawl, which was really cool seeing him do for the first time.
Lindsay Eland: That's so awesome. It's so rewarding to care for a special needs dog. I've had one before she couldn't walk. She was paralyzed in four of her legs and it was just such a special bond. I wanted to see what you thought. I know that there can be a disconnect between rescuers, the general public and sometimes some veterinarians in regards to differently-abled dogs like Benji and Winslow and Walter. And we rescuers we are up for it all. We love these dogs. We want to do whatever is possible and we like doing it. And I know that some people would just say, whether it's a vet or just somebody would say their quality of life, they should just be put down. What do you say to that? Or what do you think about that?
Gabriela Gutierrez: For me I honestly feel like unless a person is there every single day and actually see what's going on for me, I think it's a little harsh for them to judge. Like, unless it's obvious, like something that the pet can't recover from, like life's running right in that moment. But you know, this is a disease. It progresses fast, but it's not like the next day something is really wrong. I feel like the owners need to kind of trust themselves more and think, okay, this disease does make them tired so I can see how they can easily think, on no quality of life. But you know, he likes to eat. He likes to drink. He can't walk. So, he does need help on potty, but he still loves looking around at things barking at things. He still wags his tail. And so, I think that maybe people they can hear the science part of it, but then also make that decision for themselves on whether they think their dog's quality of life and what they see every day has really diminished to that point.
Lindsay Eland: That's such a good point to trust yourself because like you said, you know, Benji more than anybody. So, you will be able to tell how he's doing more than anybody. I like that. Trust yourself. What has the response been with you bringing Benji and Walter and Winslow to the vet or you know, different places. What is the response been?
Gabriela Gutierrez: So, when I first brought Walter to his vet, they all fell in love with him. They thought he was a cutest little thing and they were just also curious because nobody ever seen like a dog that looks like him. And he did spark a lot of curiosity and that's as well. His ophthalmologist got him, especially GI books with pictures of his eyes are in there then, and his cardiologist was studying his heart. So, we'd go in there every two months again, echocardiogram. And so, they learned a lot, you know, they wanted to learn about this disease. This is something you almost never see. And so, it's definitely been positive. And then when I got Winslow, it made them feel more confident too, that, Hey, you know what, like I've seen this dog. If I see another dog, I'll be able to, you know, point them in the right direction of like what kind of supportive care they need. And that's what happened. Recently. Our medical director at the vet hospital I worked at she's like I saw a dog just like Winslow and I'm like, this is MPS. And so, she directed rest rescue you about like what kind of specialists they needed to seek out. And so, I thought that was awesome. Like it just one person can identify this, help an animal. Then I feel like even if it's just one dog and we're lucky though that other people keep contacting us saying, oh my gosh, I have a dog. Looks like Benji. I have a dog who looks like Walter Winslow. You know, I never knew what was wrong with them until we saw your dog. And I talked with my vet about it, you know, they're able to get the ball rolling, you know, with that pet sportive of tear.
Lindsay Eland: Oh my gosh, that's so cool. That's so inspiring. And I do, I feel like it is such a learning experience, you know, for vets and for people and rescuers and you know, the general public to just learn more about rare diseases or rare conditions in our little puppies and our little puppers that we love so much.
Break [Music Interlude 15:31-15:36]
Lindsay Eland: So how do you think we can help normalizing adopting and caring for differently able dogs?
Gabriela Gutierrez: I underestimated how much I could do. I thought, you know what, this is going to be so hard. It's scary. I don't know what I'm going to do, but I think even without any experience, you just start and then maybe you ask a few people who also have experience with dogs with similar disabilities. I think just starting somewhere or even just helping babysit dogs with disabilities and then, you know, taking on your own. I think adopting a disabled dog is just as rewarding as adopting like a healthy dog or a puppy, you know? These dogs are just as deserving and sometimes I think it shows you like what you're really capable of. You know, when your love is being tested, like it is a heartache. It is hard because you know, the end but you know, it's a selfless, beautiful thing that they can, you know, these special needs animals. And so, I think a lot of people will learn about themselves as well as learning about how to care for an animal.
Lindsay Eland: 100%. Girl, you are good. This is awesome because it is, it's so true, you know, until you're really faced with it. And you know, it's put in your care, you know, then you're willing to kind of do whatever, you know, to help this dog or this cat or whatever it may be.
Gabriela Gutierrez: You know, I had to sit in with Winslow surgery because he had to have emergency surgery and I'm like, you know what? I was crying hysterically. And I'm like, I knew that he most likely wouldn't make it through surgery, but I told myself, I have to suck it up. I need to be in there because they're having trouble managing his airway. And so, I stopped crying, went in there and you know what, he lived another year with great quality of life. And so, I'm so proud of myself for being able to like put my emotions aside and just be there for my dog to help him.
Lindsay Eland: That is a beautiful thing. Thank you for sharing that. That's awesome. What advice would you give for someone who wants to adopt maybe a dog with MPS or has a dog that they are suspecting has MPS, what thoughts and advice on loving and caring for them, would you pass along?
Gabriela Gutierrez: And I found works best is share them on social media, like share them on your page and see like, Hey, how can we help the dog go potty or something you're bound to get, you know, a whole bunch of ideas, but one of them is bound to work. And so, asking others, I think would be a great thing, reaching out to people like everyone who's restarts me. I'm like, yeah, here's my cell phone number. Feel free to call me anytime, any questions you have, you know, just let me know. I'm here to help as much as possible. And I've even gotten that too. Like with Benjamin's he's different than Winslow and Walter issues, but just similar to other MPS dogs. So, I've even reached out to them. Like even though I've had three MPS dogs, there's still so much. I don't know. So, I reach out to them and I think just asking and not being afraid and sharing, you know, the dog story will definitely help a lot.
Lindsay Eland: Oh, that's great. You've had three dogs with MPS. How did you find them in adopt them? You know, what is, I guess, Winslow and Benjamin's story?
Gabriela Gutierrez: Because so many people had seen Walter, one of my friends, Mindy, she noticed the dog [inaudible 18:34] field to look a lot like Walter, if he could walk. So, she
contacted me and said, Hey, you know, this dog was like Walter. Then a few more people did. And I'm like, huh, I look and I immediately am like, he totally is MPS. So, I drove down at rush hour traffic from orange County to go and pick them up. And it was meant to be, and then the same thing happened, you know, once Winslow, passed away because again, people saw the different MPS dogs and they kind of knew to identify them by the feet and their face. Somebody tagged me on something on Facebook and they're like, look at this dog looks like, you know, it has MPS. So, you go on there and I reach out, it's a rusty group in Texas. And so, I'm like, well, this is a long shot. Like me as a rescuer I typically don't do out of state, unless I physically take the dog there myself and do a home inspection. I'm like, well, I don't think they're going to do that with me, but I'll just reach out and see what they say. And so, I talked with them and then in May they let me know that yeah. You know what, we're open to letting you adopt Benji. So, I filled out my application, gave all my references and everything and I drove all the way down there to go and get him. And it was awesome. They all fell in love. They just adored him. He was sitting at the reception desk and he was looking up at me, wagging his tail. And so just sitting on his little blanket.
Lindsay Eland: Oh, he's so cute. What is his personality like? Like what is he like or not like?
Gabriela Gutierrez: So, he's very mellow compared to Walter and Winslow who are miniature pinchers. We're not quite sure with Benji is we think it's some kind of chihuahua mix, but he is very sweet, very mellow. He loves to be brushed. He loves his belly rubs to be brushed. He just like Walter Winslow too, does not like his feet being fudged. It's weird. I can give him a bath and touch him. But other than that, no, he also loves his ears being stroked. He's actually really soft too. Like he would think chihuahuas hair is coarse but I've never felt a lot like him and how fluffy and soft.
Lindsay Eland: [Inaudible 20:30].
Gabriela Gutierrez: But he does have a little firecracker side to him. Like sometimes he gets super excited. He'll bark and howl And I found that out by watching him on a baby camera when I was gone one day and watching him, watching him and then he's howling Holly and I had only been gone for 20 minutes, just down the store. And I'm like, I had no idea you could do that. And so, he learns, to climb over things, which I never thought he could do, but yeah, he definitely is his own little personality. But for the most part, he's just such a sweet and a mellow, little dog.
Lindsay Eland: What does your day look like with taking care of Benji? Like does he come to work with you? What does it look like in the morning and run through a little bit with Gabby and Benji? The dynamic duo.
Gabriela Gutierrez: Yeah. So pretty much I wake up around like 6:00 AM and the first thing we do, he's very good at potty training. So, he'll have his little key pile take him out and he sleeps in a little actually infant bassinet because he can be next to me on the bed, but we also don't have to worry about like him falling off the bed or anything. And so, I'll take him out to go potty. Then we'll do a cleanup bath and then I'll hand feed him and then let them rest for a little bit while I get dressed. Usually, he's never home alone because it's either me or my boyfriend that are home but sometimes, I take them to work with me, hunting on where I'm working at and hang out in the tunnel, just watching everybody. And he has his own little area. Other times I'll take him to his vet's office and they'll watch him during the day for me because they also watch Winslow. Because these guys, they can't be left alone. Like you know how normal dogs are. And then as soon as I'm off from work or during the day at work, I'll be changing his t-pads, cleaning him up, feeding him, the love's lunch.
And then when I get home, it's again, we give him a good bath and then he gets his dinner. Then we'll usually cuddle on the ground, made him the baby and we'll read a book. They'll fall asleep, like how he is right now. And then when it was cooler out, we'd go out. I take him in a stroller and we just go look around the neighborhood. The stroller was cool because it's like mesh on the side so we can see right through it because he was kind of short and you just look at all the flowers and stuff. But he definitely gravitates more towards people and cats. With dogs he's a little scared of just because he can't really get away too quickly. So, like at work, he'll be very interested in like the cats when they walk by, especially because there are a few clients that have cats like ours,
Lindsay Eland: You are just so precious. I wish you guys could see a picture of him. Well, I will give you the info so that you can see pictures of him. But the video that I'm watching, I mean is to die for. He is so cute.
Gabriela Gutierrez: [Inaudible 23:00] like having like a little baby, but an easier version of a baby. You know, changing him and feeding him. But you know, now that we have our routine down, it's definitely made it a lot easier. You know, I do have to wake up earlier, but you know, it's worth it. Like for him to be able to, you know, get started to his day and be all set up so...
Lindsay Eland: Well, that is just so awesome. So awesome. Is there anything else that you want to share with us?
Gabriela Gutierrez: Yeah, I would just like to say to everybody, like if you've ever seen or like a special needs dog and think, well, maybe I can and can't care for it. Like go for fostering, fostering special needs animals. There's tons of rescues that need that. Whether it be an MPS dog like Benji, a senior dog, a puppy, you know, with maybe some limitations or something wrong with it, like don't be scared of it. Like try it or even just help your friend or a family member who has a dog like that. Like you really never know how much you're capable of unless you try it. So, I think everyone can learn from these little dogs and how awesome they are and they adapt to their disabilities too. Like they learn to, you know, crawl, taking a can't walk and they really share, like we bring a lot of people joy and they show people that, you know, even if you have disabilities or being different is beautiful,
Lindsay Eland: That's right. Being different is beautiful. I love that. And I think one thing we can all take away from the conversation is seeing that once more, that every dog, every animal deserves a chance and every dog and animal deserves love. So, thank you again, Gabby for coming onto the show today and showing us that hard work and compassion, just like you saw when you were 15 years old, you're showing that to us in action. Angels For Animal Rescue, the rescue that Gabby and Joanna started is dedicated to saving the lives of animals who are in need of rescue and finding them forever homes. They rescue a variety of species of animals, such as dogs, cats, farm animals, reptiles, birds, and rodents from animal shelters or from people who cannot care for them any longer together. They hope to make a difference in the lives of animals, which is awesome. So now Gabby and I wanted to tell you about a special animal need of a home. It's a kitty cat this time.
So, meet little Maui. Maui is a shy, but a sweetheart of a cat who was rescued from a terrible hoarding situation along with several of his siblings. Now he loves other cats and his longing for a forever home of his own with another cat to keep him company. He is FIV negative neutered and up-to-date on all of his shots and he loves to run around in his cat wheel and get groomed by his foster siblings. So, remember that this sweet Maui is available now at the recording of this podcast, he might, and we'll all cross our fingers already be adopted by the time you listen. But that said, go ahead and visit the Rescue's website for more information on the other dogs and animals awaiting their chance at a forever home. You'll find this information at the rescue site and on our show notes at And if you were interested in adopting sweet Maui, please email Gabby at So, Maui, sweetie, this is for you and let's find you a forever home.
Listeners, you can visit Gabby's Rescue at, for more information and ways on how you can support this wonderful rescue and follow Gabby's journey with her special need’s dogs. You get to see Winslow and Walter and Benjamin on Instagram and on Facebook. Their Instagram handle is at Walter AKA Walnut. I just have to do a little segue. Why do you call him a little Walnut?
Gabriela Gutierrez: So is because when I got him, he was very small and skinny and he looked really lumpy and he was brown, I'm like, well, he looks literally like a nut. Like a walnut because he had a little nutty side to him. He's very feisty. And so, I'm like you know, you look like a Walnut. So, we always call them Walter because he's a Walnut.
Lindsay Eland: I love that. I love the nicknames and there's also more information and support on Walter's rare disease, which is MPS at So, in addition to subscribing to this podcast, follow us on Facebook and Instagram and go to www.just to download my free resource guide called the basic guide to adopting your next best friend. And if you have adopted your next best friend or maybe two or three or five or a special one like Walter and Winslow and Benjamin, and would like to tell your story. Please send me an email at or direct message me at Just Add Dogs podcast. And you can also submit a rescue or shelter that you love and adore to be featured on the show. Thank you again, Gabby for joining us. Thank you all for listening in and until next week, I'm your host. Lindsay,
[Outro] Find us on social media at Just Add Dogs podcast or on our website,, check back weekly for new episodes. Until next time, remember that to make anything better, Just Add Dogs.